poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro ~ % cd /Users/poet/.nvm/versions/node/ poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % ls v11.15.0 v7.10.0 v8.11.1
# 在v8.11.1目录下面的bin目录查看到 hexo poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % cd v8.11.1 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v8.11.1 % ls CHANGELOG.md README.md etc lib LICENSE bin include share poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v8.11.1 % cd bin poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro bin % ls express hexo n node npm npx nrm
# 在v7.10.0目录下面的bin目录下没有查看到hexo相关的文件 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % cd v7.10.0 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v7.10.0 % ls CHANGELOG.md README.md etc lib LICENSE bin include share poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v7.10.0 % cd bin poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro bin % ls node npm
# 在v11.15.0目录下面的bin目录下没有查看到hexo相关的文件 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % cd v11.15.0 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v11.15.0 % ls bin include lib share poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v11.15.0 % cd bin poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro bin % ls node npm npx
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