问题1:The safe area layout guide is the space available to our view, excluding rounded corners and notches. 答案:All important content should lie inside the safe area, or you risk it being obscured.
问题2:layoutMarginsGuide and safeAreaLayoutGuide are the same thing. 答案:Not quite: layoutMarginsGuide is inside the safeAreaLayoutGuide, so it will be slightly smaller.
问题3: Activating multiple constraints at once is faster than modifying isActive for each one. 答案:Apple explicitly recommends using activate() for this purpose.
问题4: Content hugging priority controls how likely Auto Layout is to make a view smaller than its intrinsic content size. 答案:Content hugging priority controls how likely Auto Layout is to make a view larger than its intrinsic content size.
有时候测试同学提供的release包的崩溃日志过来,直接提供的是ips文件,如何将ips文件解析成带符号的崩溃日志呢? 1.在桌面新建test1文件夹,将ips文件拷贝进去,重命名为xxx.crash文件。 2.找到对应版本的dSYM文件,拷贝至test1目录下。 3.前往路径/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash,将文件symbolicatecrash拷贝至test1目录。 4.执行命令./symbolicatecrash ./xxx-2021-07-14-204056.crash ./xxx.dSYM > log.crash,如果没报错,在test1目录下就会生成一个log.crash文件,里面是符号化过的,可以看见部分具体的函数和库名。 5.如果出现报错Error: "DEVELOPER_DIR" is not defined at ./symbolicatecrash line 69.,请执行一下命令export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer",然后再执行第4步的命令即可。
在 target 选项输入你域名要绑定的 ip ,在 Name 选项输入 www 或其它子域名,type 你可以根据需要进行选择。当保存成功后,你就可以直接输入域名访问你的站点了。 由于 freenom 的 dns 解析对国内可能会比较不友好,你可以修改域名默认的 dns 解析服务,把 dns解析服务修改为国内的 dns 服务,比如 CloudXNS 或者 DNSPod 。
进度 8/17 : 配置V2Ray开机自启 Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/v2ray.service to /etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service. ---> 配置V2Ray开机自启成功
$ /usr/bin/security find-identity -v -p codesigning 0 valid identities found
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/usr/bin/security: A simple command line interface which lets you administer keychains, manipulate keys and certificates, and do just about anything the Security framework is capable of from the command line. (是一个管理钥匙串、keys和证书的命令行接口)
find-identify: 查找证书和私钥key的命令
-v: 只显示有效的证书,默认显示所有的证书
-p: 指定策略
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$ /usr/bin/security find-identity --help find-identity: illegal option -- - Usage: find-identity [-p policy] [-s string] [-v] [keychain...] -p Specify policy to evaluate (multiple -p options are allowed) Supported policies: basic, ssl-client, ssl-server, smime, eap, ipsec, ichat, codesigning, sys-default, sys-kerberos-kdc, macappstore, appleID -s Specify optional policy-specific string (e.g. DNS hostname for SSL, or RFC822 email address for S/MIME) -v Show valid identities only (default is to show all identities) If no keychains are specified to search, the default search list is used. Find an identity (certificate + private key).
poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro ~ % cd /Users/poet/.nvm/versions/node/ poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % ls v11.15.0 v7.10.0 v8.11.1
# 在v8.11.1目录下面的bin目录查看到 hexo poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % cd v8.11.1 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v8.11.1 % ls CHANGELOG.md README.md etc lib LICENSE bin include share poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v8.11.1 % cd bin poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro bin % ls express hexo n node npm npx nrm
# 在v7.10.0目录下面的bin目录下没有查看到hexo相关的文件 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % cd v7.10.0 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v7.10.0 % ls CHANGELOG.md README.md etc lib LICENSE bin include share poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v7.10.0 % cd bin poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro bin % ls node npm
# 在v11.15.0目录下面的bin目录下没有查看到hexo相关的文件 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro node % cd v11.15.0 poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v11.15.0 % ls bin include lib share poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro v11.15.0 % cd bin poet@poetdeMacBook-Pro bin % ls node npm npx
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